Thursday, April 20, 2023

Research Methods to Improve Live Game Retention, D1 to D100

The 2019 GDC session titled "Research Methods to Improve Live Game Retention, D1 to D100" features expert UX researchers who share their approaches to gathering actionable data to improve player engagement in live games. The speakers discuss their research methods and findings, including how players' diaries improved engagement in the live content of MLB: The Show. 

The session begins with an introduction to the importance of player retention in live games and the challenges that game developers face in keeping players engaged. The speakers then discuss the different research methods they used to gather data, including surveys, interviews, and player diaries. 

They also share their insights on how to design effective research questions and how to analyze the data collected. One of the key takeaways from the session is the importance of understanding the player's perspective when designing live games. They emphasize the need to listen to players' feedback and to design games that meet their needs and preferences. 

Also discussed is the challenges of balancing the needs of different player segments and how to use data to inform game design decisions. The session includes several case studies that demonstrate how research methods can be used to improve player engagement in live games. 

Overall, the session provides valuable insights into the research methods that can be used to improve player engagement in live games. The speakers' expertise and experience in UX research make this session a valuable resource for game developers looking to improve their games' retention rates. 

The GDC channel provides a wealth of information on game development, and this session is no exception. The quality of the content and the knowledge of the authors make this session a must-watch for anyone interested in game design and development.