Friday, April 21, 2023

'Real World Level Design' & 'Playgrounds and Level Design' [VIDEO SUMMARY]

In this video by GDC, Jerry Belich and Andrew Yoder share their experiences and lessons learned from applying video game level design techniques in unusual and unexpected ways. The speakers explore how level design concepts can be used in real-world scenarios beyond just video games.

Jerry Belich starts off by discussing his experience designing a theme park attraction based on the popular video game, Portal. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the player's experience and how to guide them through the attraction. He also stresses the need for clear communication between designers and engineers to ensure the attraction is both safe and enjoyable for guests.

Andrew Yoder then shares his experience designing a playground for children using level design principles. He discusses the importance of creating a sense of progression and challenge in the playground, much like in a video game. He also emphasizes the need to consider the physical abilities and limitations of the children who will be using the playground.

The speakers also discuss the importance of playtesting and iteration in level design, regardless of the medium. They emphasize the need to observe how players interact with the level and make adjustments accordingly.

Jerry Belich then shares his experience designing a haunted house attraction, where he used level design principles to create a sense of tension and suspense. He discusses the importance of pacing and player agency in creating a successful haunted house.

Andrew Yoder concludes the talk by discussing his experience designing a public park using level design principles. He emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of exploration and discovery in the park, as well as the need to consider the park's surroundings and community.

Overall, the talk highlights the versatility of level design principles and how they can be applied in various real-world scenarios beyond just video games. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the player's experience, clear communication between designers and engineers, and the need for playtesting and iteration.

In conclusion, this video provides a fascinating look at how level design principles can be applied in the real world. The speakers provide valuable insights and lessons learned from their experiences, making this video a must-watch for anyone interested in level design or real-world application of game design principles. The quality of the content and knowledge of the authors is exceptional, providing a wealth of information and inspiration for aspiring designers.