Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Power of Invisible Choices [Video Summary]

The video titled "The Power of Invisible Choices" by Game Maker's Toolkit discusses the advantages and challenges of using invisible choices in action games. 

The video begins by explaining how action games typically borrow from RPGs and adventure games when it comes to making choices, but using the normal verbs of the games can provide significant advantages. These invisible choices are defined as actions that are not explicitly presented as choices, but still have a significant impact on the game's narrative and gameplay. 

The first advantage of invisible choices is that they can create a sense of immersion in the game world. The video cites examples from games such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and 80 Days, where the player's actions affect the game world in subtle ways that are not immediately obvious. This creates a feeling of agency for the player, as they are able to shape the game world without being explicitly told what to do. 

The second advantage is that invisible choices can create a sense of consequence for the player's actions. The video uses examples from Tell Me Why and Sorcery! 4, where the player's choices have a significant impact on the game's narrative and lead to different outcomes. This creates a feeling of responsibility for the player, as they must consider the consequences of their actions before making a decision. 

The third advantage is that invisible choices can create a sense of discovery for the player. The video cites examples from Dragon Age II and Metro Exodus, where the player's actions can lead to hidden content or story elements that are not immediately apparent. This creates a feeling of exploration for the player, as they are rewarded for their curiosity and attention to detail. 

The fourth advantage is that invisible choices can create a sense of player expression. The video uses examples from Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy and BioShock, where the player's actions and choices reflect their personality and values. This creates a feeling of ownership for the player, as they are able to shape the game's narrative and gameplay in a way that reflects their own identity. 

The video also acknowledges the challenges of using invisible choices in action games. These challenges include the difficulty of designing choices that are not immediately obvious to the player, the risk of creating a sense of frustration or confusion for the player, and the challenge of balancing the impact of invisible choices with the game's overall narrative and gameplay. 

In conclusion, the video argues that invisible choices can provide significant advantages for action games, but they also come with challenges that must be carefully considered by game designers. The video provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, using examples from a wide range of games to illustrate its points.