Friday, April 21, 2023

'Final Fantasy VII' Remake: Automating Quality Assurance and the Tools for the Future [VIDEO SUMMARY]

In this 2021 GDC session, Square Enix’s Fabien Gravot shares how, for Final Fantasy VII Remake, they developed a new replay system that could reduce greatly the cost of supporting a new project. The video discusses the development process of the Final Fantasy VII Remake and how Square Enix implemented automation in their quality assurance process. Fabien Gravot, the speaker, shares how the team at Square Enix developed a new replay system that allowed them to quickly identify and fix bugs in the game.

Gravot explains that the traditional method of bug testing involved manually playing through the game multiple times to identify and document any issues. However, this process was time-consuming, costly, and prone to human error. To address these issues, Square Enix developed a new automated replay system that could simulate player interactions and identify any bugs in the game.

The automated replay system was designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing the team to quickly test different scenarios and identify any issues in the game. Gravot also discusses how the team used machine learning to analyze the data generated by the replay system, allowing them to quickly identify patterns and prioritize bug fixes.

The video also discusses the importance of automation in the game development process and how it can help reduce costs, improve quality, and increase efficiency. Gravot shares some best practices for implementing automation in the development process, including setting clear goals, selecting the right tools, and involving the entire team in the process.

Overall, the video provides valuable insights into the game development process and the importance of automation in quality assurance. The speaker's expertise and experience in the field are evident throughout the presentation, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in game development or automation. The Final Fantasy VII Remake is an excellent example of how automation can be used to improve the quality of a game while reducing costs and increasing efficiency.