Friday, April 21, 2023

Don't make this assumption about your players [VIDEO SUMMARY]

"Don't make this assumption about your players" is a video published by Game Maker's Toolkit, where the creator, Mark, shares his experience in developing a magnet-based video game and the mistakes he made in assuming how players would react to his game. The video highlights the importance of challenging one's assumptions about players and focusing on making the game fun and accessible.

Mark initially created a demo of his game with 26 levels, which he shared with patrons on his Discord. He received feedback from Patrick Traynor, a game designer who suggested simplifying the levels even if it made the game easier. Mark ignored this advice and continued to develop his game, assuming that players would find it too easy and boring. After a playtest with his dad, who found the game frustrating and tedious, Mark realized he had made a common mistake in game design by overcomplicating the levels.

To rectify this, Mark redesigned the levels to focus on clarity, elegance, and simplicity. He removed unnecessary complexity, resulting in a more enjoyable gaming experience. When he showcased the demo at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, the feedback was positive, and the game was considered challenging but not frustrating.

Mark learned that it was crucial to challenge assumptions about players and not assume they would instantly understand the game's mechanics or find it too easy. He shares some tips for other developers to avoid the same mistakes:

1. Playtest with people of different skill levels and experiences. 2. Have a target audience in mind to keep the design on track. 3. Start level design with a rushed draft and then refine it to create a more elegant and coherent version.

In conclusion, the video emphasizes the importance of challenging assumptions about players, ensuring that a game is enjoyable and accessible, and learning from playtests to improve game design.