The video "What is a Shader? | Pixel and Vertex Shaders" is published by Game Dev Academy, and it discusses the role of shaders in creating 3D graphics for video games. The video explains the functions and applications of vertex shaders and pixel (fragment) shaders in the game development process.
A shader is a small program that runs on a graphics card or GPU, manipulating a 3D scene during the rendering pipeline before the image is drawn on the screen. Shaders enable various rendering effects to be created quickly enough for real-time applications, such as video games. The video focuses on two types of shaders: vertex shaders and pixel (fragment) shaders.
Vertex shaders are used to modify the position of vertices, color, and texture coordinates in the rendering process. They can make changes to existing vertices but cannot create new ones. The video provides an example of an image before and after changes made by the vertex shader. Both images are the same 3D model, but the second image has a shader applied, modifying the position of the vertices in the rendering process. Vertex shaders have numerous applications, and the video shows an example of water shaders where the height of the vertices is modified to create a rippling water effect.
Pixel shaders, on the other hand, calculate effects on individual pixels. They generally deal with determining the color of each pixel, taking into account factors such as translucency, shadows, fogging, and lighting. One popular use for pixel shaders is employing bump maps or normal maps to affect how geometry looks when reacting to light, creating more detailed models without the need for high polygon counts. The video presents an example of two models with identical polygon counts, but the one on the right has a normal map applied. The pixel shader uses data provided by the normal map to adjust the color of the pixels based on their reaction to the applied light.
In summary, the video by Game Dev Academy explains the importance of shaders, specifically vertex and pixel shaders, in creating realistic 3D graphics for video games. Vertex shaders modify the position of vertices, while pixel shaders calculate effects on individual pixels. Both types of shaders contribute to the overall visual appeal and realism of video game graphics.