Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The 4 "P"s of DOOM's Amazing Combat [VIDEO SUMMARY]

"The 4 'P's of DOOM's Amazing Combat" is a video published by Game Maker's Toolkit that analyzes the combat mechanics in the most recent DOOM games, specifically focusing on a single five-minute encounter in DOOM Eternal's 11th stage, Nekravol Part II. The video breaks down the encounter into different phases and discusses the four key questions players must answer to succeed in the game: priority, preference, preservation, and position.

The encounter takes place in a symmetrical arena with different levels of elevation and various items scattered throughout, such as ammo, armor, and chainsaw fuel. The monsters are introduced in phases, with each phase featuring different enemies that spawn at specific points during the fight. This allows the encounter to have a unique flow and challenges the player to prioritize which enemies to focus on first.

Throughout the encounter, players must decide which weapon to use on each monster, as success in DOOM Eternal often depends on making smart choices about weapon selection. For example, the Mancubus is a slow-moving target that is more easily hit with a rocket launcher, while the shotgun is effective against the Whiplash. The video emphasizes the importance of constantly changing weapons and using other items in the player's arsenal, such as freeze bombs and blood punches.

Resource management is another crucial aspect of the game, as players must recover their resources by either collecting health kits and ammo pickups or using glory kills, chainsaws, and flame belches on enemies. The video points out that zombies infinitely respawn during the fight, providing a handy source of ammo, armor, and health for the player.

Movement is also essential in DOOM Eternal, as many enemies will punish players for standing still. The arena's floor plan contains distinct pathways on the ground and in the air, allowing players to move around unimpeded and choose different routes depending on their needs.

The video concludes by comparing DOOM Eternal to its predecessor, DOOM 2016, and discussing the differences in their combat mechanics. Some changes in DOOM Eternal, such as weapon-specific weaknesses and more aggressive resource management, can potentially limit the tactical possibilities and make the game feel more restrictive. However, the video ultimately praises the combat encounters in both games for their fast-paced movement and tactical decision-making, which keep players constantly engaged and challenged.