Wednesday, April 26, 2023

OpenAI’s GPT-4 Just Got Supercharged! [VIDEO SUMMARY]

In the video titled "OpenAI’s GPT-4 Just Got Supercharged!" published by Two Minute Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér, the presenter discusses how the recently released GPT-4 has been enhanced through plugin support. This allows GPT-4 to build on other applications and become a powerful, versatile tool for various tasks. The video provides several examples of how this supercharging benefits users in areas such as meal planning, research, image editing, data analysis, and even plugin development.

In the first example, GPT-4 is used for meal planning. The presenter demonstrates how GPT-4 can recommend a restaurant, provide a recipe, and calculate the number of calories in the meal using Wolfram Alpha. The plugin support allows users to reserve a table, order ingredients, and request alternative options with fewer calories, all through a chat interface.

The second example focuses on research. GPT-4 is tasked with finding information about Oscar-winning movies and their box office performance. In response, GPT-4 browses the internet, synthesizes the gathered information, and presents it in a concise manner while citing its sources. This allows users to verify the information provided by the AI.

The third example showcases GPT-4's capabilities in image editing. Users can give GPT-4 an image and ask it to perform various tasks, such as resizing, applying grayscale, adding a green tint, and extracting the foreground. This eliminates the need for users to possess coding skills or use additional software tools.

In the fourth example, GPT-4 is given a data file and asked to make sense of it. The AI processes the data, identifies interesting aspects, and visualizes it in a manner that is easily digestible for humans. This demonstrates GPT-4's ability to analyze and present complex data.

The fifth example involves solving a mathematical problem. GPT-4 sets up a system of equations and solves it by writing a simple computer program. The AI even provides the source code, allowing users to verify, modify, or extend the calculations themselves.

Finally, the video highlights the ease of writing a plugin for ChatGPT. In a demonstration, OpenAI uses ChatGPT to create a toy example plugin for itself, indicating that the AI can be used to improve its own capabilities with minimal human intervention.

The presenter concludes by emphasizing the rapid rate of progress in AI research and the potential of GPT-4 to open up the world of computers and creativity for millions of people worldwide. The video invites viewers to ponder what GPT-6 might be capable of in the future.