"Metaverse Games: State of Play and Opportunities" is a video published by GDC featuring Dominic Tate, Research Director of the games team at Omdia. The video discusses the concept of the metaverse, its potential impact on the gaming industry, and the opportunities it presents for game developers and marketers. Tate explores the current state of metaverse games and the potential for immersive internet consumption in the future.
The metaverse is defined as a virtual shared space where users can interact with each other and their environment. Tate highlights six key points that define the metaverse: no limits, harmony, quality content, identity, economy, and immersivity. He compares the current state of the metaverse to the early stages of video games, noting that significant advancements are still to come.
Tate discusses the growth of the consumer VR market, with sales and usage of standalone and tethered VR headsets expected to grow significantly by 2026. However, VR headset penetration remains low compared to other internet-connected devices like smartphones and game consoles. The growth of VR content revenue is tied to the growth of VR headset installations, which will attract more game developers and content creators as the install base increases.
In terms of advertising opportunities within the metaverse, Tate notes that personalized advertising within AR environments could become the largest ad medium within the next 10 to 20 years. Companies looking to operate within the metaverse should start laying their foundations now to compete in this emerging market.
Tate introduces the Metaverse Games Benchmark, which ranks six games (Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox, Dreams, Core, and Zepeto) based on their potential as metaverse platforms. The benchmark evaluates these games in terms of scale, monetization, entertainment, interactivity, and technology. Fortnite and Roblox emerge as the top contenders, with strong live event offerings and advanced in-game economies.
Entertainment partnerships are crucial for metaverse games, as they provide a new platform for rights holders and celebrities to engage with users. Brands can also leverage the metaverse for digital shop fronts and avatar personalization, creating new commercial opportunities.
In conclusion, Tate emphasizes the importance of understanding the current state of metaverse games and the potential for immersive internet consumption in the future. Game developers and marketers should consider the opportunities presented by the metaverse and adapt their strategies accordingly.