Friday, April 21, 2023

Cursed Problems in Game Design [VIDEO SUMMARY]

In this 2019 GDC session, Alex Jaffe, a game designer at Riot Games, presents a theory of "cursed" game design problems and explores the four design paradigms that have helped developers face these problems and survive.

Jaffe begins by defining "cursed" problems as issues that are inherently difficult to solve and often result in unintended consequences. He argues that these problems are a natural part of game design and that developers should embrace them rather than try to avoid them.

The first design paradigm that Jaffe discusses is "emergent complexity," which involves creating systems that are simple on the surface but become more complex as players interact with them. He gives the example of the game "Minecraft," which has a simple crafting system that allows players to create a wide variety of items.

The second design paradigm is "dynamic balance," which involves creating systems that are constantly changing and require players to adapt. Jaffe gives the example of the game "League of Legends," which has a constantly shifting meta-game that requires players to change their strategies in order to succeed.

The third design paradigm is "player-driven experiences," which involves giving players the tools to create their own experiences within the game. Jaffe gives the example of the game "The Sims," which allows players to create their own characters, build their own houses, and live their own lives.

The fourth and final design paradigm is "meaningful choices," which involves giving players choices that have real consequences within the game world. Jaffe gives the example of the game "Undertale," which allows players to choose whether to kill or spare their enemies, with each choice affecting the game's story and characters.

Jaffe concludes by emphasizing the importance of embracing cursed problems in game design and using these four design paradigms to create games that are engaging and long-lasting.

Overall, Jaffe's presentation provides valuable insights into the challenges of game design and offers practical advice for developers looking to create games that are both fun and meaningful. The speaker's experience as a game designer at Riot Games lends credibility to his arguments, making this a must-watch for anyone interested in game design.